source: dasscm/trunk/etc/bash_completion.d/ 886

Last change on this file since 886 was 881, checked in by joergs, on Jun 12, 2010 at 6:46:48 PM

initial, from /usr/share/subversion/tools/client-side/bash_completion

File size: 29.0 KB
1# Programmable completion for the Subversion svn command under bash. Source
2# this file (or on some systems add it to ~/.bash_completion and start a new
3# shell) and bash's completion mechanism will know all about svn's options!
4# Provides completion for the svnadmin, svndumpfilter, svnlook and svnsync
5# commands as well. Who wants to read man pages/help text...
7# Known to work with bash 3.* with programmable completion and extended
8# pattern matching enabled (use 'shopt -s extglob progcomp' to enable
9# these if they are not already enabled).
11shopt -s extglob
13# Tree helper functions which only use bash, to ease readability.
15# look for value associated to key from stdin in K/V hash file format
16# val=$(_svn_read_hashfile svn:realmstring < some/file)
17function _svn_read_hashfile()
19 local tkey=$1 key= val=
20 while true; do
21 read tag len
22 [ $tag = 'END' ] && break
23 [ $tag != 'K' ] && {
24 #echo "unexpected tag '$tag' instead of 'K'" >&2
25 return
26 }
27 read -r -n $len key ; read
28 read tag len
29 [ $tag != 'V' ] && {
30 #echo "unexpected tag '$tag' instead of 'V'" >&2
31 return
32 }
33 read -r -n $len val ; read
34 if [[ $key = $tkey ]] ; then
35 echo "$val"
36 return
37 fi
38 done
39 #echo "target key '$tkey' not found" >&2
42# _svn_grcut shell-regular-expression
43# extract filenames from 'svn status' output
44function _svn_grcut()
46 local re=$1 line= old_IFS
47 # fix IFS, so that leading spaces are not ignored by next read.
48 # (there is a leading space in svn status output if only a prop is changed)
49 old_IFS="$IFS"
50 IFS=$'\n'
51 while read -r line ; do
52 [[ ! $re || $line == $re ]] && echo "${line/????????/}"
53 done
54 IFS="$old_IFS"
57# extract stuff from svn info output
58# _svn_info (URL|Repository Root)
59function _svn_info()
61 local what=$1 line=
62 LANG=C LC_MESSAGES=C svn info --non-interactive 2> /dev/null | \
63 while read line ; do
64 [[ $line == *"$what: "* ]] && echo ${line#*: }
65 done
68# _svn_lls (dir|file|all) files...
69# list svn-managed files from list
70# some 'svn status --all-files' would be welcome here?
71function _svn_lls()
73 local opt=$1 f=
74 shift
75 for f in "$@" ; do
76 # could try to check in .svn/entries? hmmm...
77 if [[ $opt == @(dir|all) && -d "$f" ]] ; then
78 echo "$f/"
79 elif [[ $opt == @(file|all) ]] ; then
80 # split f in directory/file names
81 local dn= fn="$f"
82 [[ "$f" == */* ]] && dn=${f%\/*}/ fn=${f##*\/}
83 # ??? this does not work for just added files, because they
84 # do not have a content reference yet...
85 [ -f "${dn}.svn/text-base/${fn}.svn-base" ] && echo "$f"
86 fi
87 done
90# This completion guides the command/option order along the one suggested
91# by "svn help", although other syntaxes are allowed.
93# - there is a "real" parser to check for what is available and deduce what
94# can be suggested further.
95# - the syntax should be coherent with subversion/svn/{cl.h,main.c}
96# - although it is not a good practice, mixed options and arguments
97# is supported by the completion as it is by the svn command.
98# - the completion works in the middle of a line,
99# but not really in the middle of an argument or option.
100# - property names are completed: see comments about issues related to handling
101# ":" within property names although it is a word completion separator.
102# - unknown properties are assumed to be simple file properties.
103# - --revprop and --revision options are forced to revision properties
104# as they are mandatory in this case.
105# - argument values are suggested to some other options, eg directory names
106# for --config-dir.
107# - values for some options can be extended with environment variables:
108# SVN_BASH_FILE_PROPS: other properties on files/directories
109# SVN_BASH_REV_PROPS: other properties on revisions
110# SVN_BASH_ENCODINGS: encodings to be suggested
111# SVN_BASH_MIME_TYPE: mime types to be suggested
112# SVN_BASH_KEYWORDS: "svn:keywords" substitutions to be suggested
113# SVN_BASH_USERNAME: usernames suggested for --username
114# SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT: completion extensions for file arguments, based on the
115# current subcommand, so that for instance only modified files are
116# suggested for 'revert', only not svn-managed files for 'add', and so on.
117# Possible values are:
118# - username: guess usernames from ~/.subversion/auth/...
119# - svnstatus: use 'svn status' for completion
120# - recurse: allow recursion (expensive)
121# - externals: recurse into externals (very expensive)
122# Both former options are reasonable, but beware that both later options
123# may be unadvisable if used on large working copies.
124# None of these costly completions are activated by default.
125# Argument completion outside a working copy results in an error message.
126# Filenames with spaces are not completed properly.
128# TODO
129# - other options?
130# - obsolete options could be removed from auto-comp? (e.g. -N)
131# - obsolete commands could be removed? (e.g. resolved)
132# - completion does not work properly when editing in the middle of the line
133# status/previous are those at the end of the line, not at the entry position
136 local cur cmds cmdOpts pOpts mOpts rOpts qOpts nOpts optsParam opt
141 # Possible expansions, without pure-prefix abbreviations such as "up".
142 cmds='add blame annotate praise cat changelist cl checkout co cleanup'
143 cmds="$cmds commit ci copy cp delete remove rm diff export help import"
144 cmds="$cmds info list ls lock log merge mergeinfo mkdir move mv rename"
145 cmds="$cmds propdel pdel propedit pedit propget pget proplist plist"
146 cmds="$cmds propset pset resolve resolved revert status switch unlock"
147 cmds="$cmds update"
149 # help options have a strange command status...
150 local helpOpts='--help -h'
151 # all special options that have a command status
152 local specOpts="--version $helpOpts"
154 # options that require a parameter
155 # note: continued lines must end '|' continuing lines must start '|'
156 optsParam="-r|--revision|--username|--password|--targets"
157 optsParam="$optsParam|-x|--extensions|-m|--message|-F|--file"
158 optsParam="$optsParam|--encoding|--diff-cmd|--diff3-cmd|--editor-cmd"
159 optsParam="$optsParam|--old|--new|--config-dir|--config-option"
160 optsParam="$optsParam|--native-eol|-l|--limit|-c|--change"
161 optsParam="$optsParam|--depth|--set-depth|--with-revprop"
162 optsParam="$optsParam|--changelist|--accept|--show-revs"
164 # svn:* and other (env SVN_BASH_*_PROPS) properties
165 local svnProps revProps allProps psCmds propCmds
167 # svn and user configured file properties
168 svnProps="svn:keywords svn:executable svn:needs-lock svn:externals
169 svn:ignore svn:eol-style svn:mime-type $SVN_BASH_FILE_PROPS"
171 # svn and user configured revision properties
172 revProps="svn:author svn:log svn:date $SVN_BASH_REV_PROPS"
174 # all properties as an array variable
175 allProps=( $svnProps $revProps )
177 # subcommands that expect property names
178 psCmds='propset|pset|ps'
179 propCmds="$psCmds|propget|pget|pg|propedit|pedit|pe|propdel|pdel|pd"
181 # Parse arguments and set various variables about what was found.
182 #
183 # cmd: the current command if available
184 # isPropCmd: whether it expects a property name argument
185 # isPsCmd: whether it also expects a property value argument
186 # isHelpCmd: whether it is about help
187 # nExpectArgs: how many arguments are expected by the command
188 # help: help requested about this command (if cmd=='help')
189 # prop: property name (if appropriate)
190 # isRevProp: is it a special revision property
191 # val: property value (if appropriate, under pset)
192 # options: all options encountered
193 # hasRevPropOpt: is --revprop set
194 # hasRevisionOpt: is --revision set
195 # hasRelocateOpt: is --relocate set
196 # hasReintegrateOpt: is --reintegrate set
197 # acceptOpt: the value of --accept
198 # nargs: how many arguments were found
199 # stat: status of parsing at the 'current' word
200 #
201 # prev: previous command in the loop
202 # last: status of last parameter analyzed
203 # i: index
204 local cmd= isPropCmd= isPsCmd= isHelpCmd= nExpectArgs= isCur= i=0
205 local prev= help= prop= val= isRevProp= last='none' nargs=0 stat=
206 local options= hasRevPropOpt= hasRevisionOpt= hasRelocateOpt=
207 local acceptOpt= URL= hasReintegrateOpt=
209 for opt in "${COMP_WORDS[@]}"
210 do
211 # get status of current word (from previous iteration)
212 [[ $isCur ]] && stat=$last
214 # are we processing the current word
215 isCur=
216 [[ $i -eq $COMP_CWORD ]] && isCur=1
217 let i++
219 # FIRST must be the "svn" command
220 [ $last = 'none' ] && { last='first'; continue ; }
222 # SKIP option arguments
223 if [[ $prev == @($optsParam) ]] ; then
225 # record accept value
226 [[ $prev = '--accept' ]] && acceptOpt=$opt
228 prev=''
229 last='skip'
230 continue ;
231 fi
233 # Argh... This looks like a bash bug...
234 # Redirections are passed to the completion function
235 # although it is managed by the shell directly...
236 # It matters because we want to tell the user when no more
237 # completion is available, so it does not necessary
238 # fallback to the default case.
239 if [[ $prev == @(<|>|>>|[12]>|[12]>>) ]] ; then
240 prev=''
241 last='skip'
242 continue ;
243 fi
244 prev=$opt
246 # get the subCoMmanD
247 if [[ ! $cmd && $opt \
248 && ( $opt != -* || $opt == @(${specOpts// /|}) ) ]]
249 then
250 cmd=$opt
251 [[ $cmd == @($propCmds) ]] && isPropCmd=1
252 [[ $cmd == @($psCmds) ]] && isPsCmd=1
253 [[ $cmd == @(${helpOpts// /|}) ]] && cmd='help'
254 [[ $cmd = 'help' ]] && isHelpCmd=1
255 # HELP about a command asked with an option
256 if [[ $isHelpCmd && $cmd && $cmd != 'help' && ! $help ]]
257 then
258 help=$cmd
259 cmd='help'
260 fi
261 last='cmd'
262 continue
263 fi
265 # HELP about a command
266 if [[ $isHelpCmd && ! $help && $opt && $opt != -* ]]
267 then
268 help=$opt
269 last='help'
270 continue
271 fi
273 # PROPerty name
274 if [[ $isPropCmd && ! $prop && $opt && $opt != -* ]]
275 then
276 prop=$opt
277 [[ $prop == @(${revProps// /|}) ]] && isRevProp=1
278 last='prop'
279 continue
280 fi
282 # property VALue
283 if [[ $isPsCmd && $prop && ! $val && $opt != -* ]] ;
284 then
285 val=$opt
286 last='val'
287 continue
288 fi
290 if [[ $last != 'onlyarg' ]]
291 then
292 # more OPTions
293 case $opt in
294 -r|--revision|--revision=*)
295 hasRevisionOpt=1
296 ;;
297 --revprop)
298 hasRevPropOpt=1
299 # restrict to revision properties!
300 allProps=( $revProps )
301 # on revprops, only one URL is expected
302 nExpectArgs=1
303 ;;
304 -h|--help)
305 isHelpCmd=1
306 ;;
307 -F|--file)
308 val='-F'
309 ;;
310 --relocate)
311 hasRelocateOpt=1
312 ;;
313 --reintegrate)
314 hasReintegrateOpt=1
315 ;;
316 esac
318 # no more options, only arguments, whatever they look like.
319 if [[ $opt = '--' && ! $isCur ]] ; then
320 last='onlyarg'
321 continue
322 fi
324 # options are recorded...
325 if [[ $opt == -* ]] ; then
326 # but not the current one!
327 [[ ! $isCur ]] && options="$options $opt "
328 last='opt'
329 continue
330 fi
331 else
332 # onlyarg
333 let nargs++
334 continue
335 fi
337 # then we have an argument
338 if [[ $cmd = 'merge' && ! $URL ]] ; then
339 # fist argument is the source URL for the merge
340 URL=$opt
341 fi
343 last='arg'
344 let nargs++
345 done
346 # end opt option processing...
347 [[ $stat ]] || stat=$last
349 # suggest all subcommands, including special help
350 if [[ ! $cmd || $stat = 'cmd' ]]
351 then
352 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds $specOpts" -- $cur ) )
353 return 0
354 fi
356 # suggest all subcommands
357 if [[ $stat = 'help' || ( $isHelpCmd && ! $help ) ]]
358 then
359 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds" -- $cur ) )
360 return 0
361 fi
363 if [[ $cmd = 'merge' || $cmd = 'mergeinfo' ]]
364 then
365 local here=$(_svn_info URL)
366 # suggest a possible URL for merging
367 if [[ ! $URL && $stat = 'arg' ]] ; then
368 # we assume a 'standard' repos with branches and trunk
369 if [[ "$here" == */branches/* ]] ; then
370 # we guess that it is a merge from the trunk
371 COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W ${here/\/branches\/*/\/trunk} -- $cur ) )
372 return 0
373 elif [[ "$here" == */trunk* ]] ; then
374 # we guess that it is a merge from a branch
375 COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W ${here/\/trunk*/\/branches\/} -- $cur ) )
376 return 0
377 else
378 # no se, let us suggest the repository root...
379 COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W $(_svn_info Root) -- $cur ) )
380 return 0
381 fi
382 elif [[ $URL == */branches/* && $here == */trunk* && \
383 ! $hasReintegrateOpt && $cur = '' && $stat = 'arg' ]] ; then
384 # force --reintegrate only if the current word is empty
385 COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '--reintegrate' -- $cur ) )
386 return 0
387 fi
388 fi
390 # help about option arguments
391 if [[ $stat = 'skip' ]]
392 then
393 local previous=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}
394 local values= dirs= beep= exes=
396 [[ $previous = '--config-dir' ]] && dirs=1
398 # external editor, diff, diff3...
399 [[ $previous = --*-cmd ]] && exes=1
401 [[ $previous = '--native-eol' ]] && values='LF CR CRLF'
403 # just to suggest that a number is expected. hummm.
404 [[ $previous = '--limit' ]] && values='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'
406 # some special partial help about --revision option.
407 [[ $previous = '--revision' || $previous = '-r' ]] && \
410 [[ $previous = '--encoding' ]] && \
411 values="latin1 utf8 $SVN_BASH_ENCODINGS"
413 [[ $previous = '--extensions' || $previous = '-x' ]] && \
414 values="--unified --ignore-space-change \
415 --ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style"
417 [[ $previous = '--depth' ]] && \
418 values='empty files immediates infinity'
420 [[ $previous = '--set-depth' ]] && \
421 values='empty exclude files immediates infinity'
423 [[ $previous = '--accept' ]] && \
424 {
425 # the list is different for 'resolve'
426 if [[ $cmd = 'resolve' ]] ; then
427 # from svn help resolve
428 values='base working mine-full theirs-full'
429 else # checkout merge switch update
430 # not implemented yet: mine-conflict theirs-conflict
431 values='postpone base mine-full theirs-full edit launch'
432 fi
433 }
435 [[ $previous = '--show-revs' ]] && values='merged eligible'
437 if [[ $previous = '--username' ]] ; then
438 values="$SVN_BASH_USERNAME"
439 if [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT == *username* ]] ; then
440 local file=
441 # digest? others?
442 for file in ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/* ; do
443 if [ -r $file ] ; then
444 values="$values $(_svn_read_hashfile username < $file)"
445 fi
446 done
447 fi
448 [[ ! "$values" ]] && beep=1
449 fi
451 # could look at ~/.subversion/ ?
452 # hmmm... this option should not exist
453 [[ $previous = '--password' ]] && beep=1
455 # TODO: provide help about other options such as:
456 # --old --new --with-revprop
458 # if the previous option required a parameter, do something
459 # or fallback on ordinary filename expansion
460 [[ $values ]] && COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$values" -- $cur ) )
461 [[ $dirs ]] && COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -o dirnames -- $cur ) )
462 [[ $exes ]] && COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -c -- $cur ) )
463 [[ $beep ]] &&
464 {
465 # 'no known completion'. hummm.
466 echo -en "\a"
467 COMPREPLY=( '' )
468 }
469 return 0
470 fi
472 # provide allowed property names after property commands
473 if [[ $isPropCmd && ( ! $prop || $stat = 'prop' ) && $cur != -* ]]
474 then
475 #
476 # Ok, this part is pretty ugly.
477 #
478 # The issue is that ":" is a completion word separator,
479 # which is a good idea for file:// urls but not within
480 # property names...
481 #
482 # The first idea was to remove locally ":" from COMP_WORDBREAKS
483 # and then put it back in all cases but in property name
484 # completion. It does not always work. There is a strange bug
485 # where one may get "svn:svn:xxx" in some unclear cases.
486 #
487 # Thus the handling is reprogrammed here...
488 # The code assumes that property names look like *:*,
489 # but it also works reasonably well with simple names.
490 local choices=
492 if [[ $cur == *:* ]]
493 then
494 # only suggest/show possible suffixes
495 local prefix=${cur%:*} suffix=${cur#*:} c=
496 for c in ${allProps[@]} ; do
497 [[ $c == $prefix:* ]] && choices="$choices ${c#*:}"
498 done
499 # everything will be appended to the prefix because ':' is
500 # a separator, so cur is restricted to the suffix part.
501 cur=$suffix
502 else
503 # only one choice is fine
504 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${allProps[*]}" -- $cur ) )
505 [ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 1 ] && return 0
507 # no ':' so only suggest prefixes?
508 local seen= n=0 last= c=
509 for c in ${allProps[@]%:*} ; do
510 # do not put the same prefix twice...
511 if [[ $c == $cur* && ( ! $seen || $c != @($seen) ) ]]
512 then
513 let n++
514 last=$c
515 choices="$choices $c:"
516 if [[ $seen ]]
517 then
518 seen="$seen|$c*"
519 else
520 seen="$c*"
521 fi
522 fi
523 done
525 # supply two choices to force a partial completion and a beep
526 [[ $n -eq 1 ]] && choices="$last:1 $last:2"
527 fi
529 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$choices" -- $cur ) )
530 return 0
531 fi
533 # force mandatory --revprop option on revision properties
534 if [[ $isRevProp && ! $hasRevPropOpt ]]
535 then
536 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '--revprop' -- $cur ) )
537 return 0
538 fi
540 # force mandatory --revision option on revision properties
541 if [[ $isRevProp && $hasRevPropOpt && ! $hasRevisionOpt ]]
542 then
543 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '--revision' -- $cur ) )
544 return 0
545 fi
547 # possible completion when setting property values
548 if [[ $isPsCmd && $prop && ( ! $val || $stat = 'val' ) ]]
549 then
550 # ' is a reminder for an arbitrary value
551 local values="\' --file"
552 case $prop in
553 svn:keywords)
554 # just a subset?
555 values="Id Rev URL Date Author Header \' $SVN_BASH_KEYWORDS"
556 ;;
557 svn:executable|svn:needs-lock)
558 # hmmm... canonical value * is special to the shell.
559 values='\\*'
560 ;;
561 svn:eol-style)
562 values='native LF CR CRLF'
563 ;;
564 svn:mime-type)
565 # could read /etc/mime.types if available. overkill.
566 values="text/ text/plain text/html text/xml text/rtf
567 image/ image/png image/gif image/jpeg image/tiff
568 audio/ audio/midi audio/mpeg
569 video/ video/mpeg video/mp4
570 application/ application/octet-stream
572 ;;
573 esac
575 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$values" -- $cur ) )
576 # special case for --file... return even if within an option
577 [[ ${COMPREPLY} ]] && return 0
578 fi
580 # force mandatory --accept option for 'resolve' command
581 if [[ $cmd = 'resolve' && ! $acceptOpt ]]
582 then
583 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '--accept' -- $cur ) )
584 # force option now! others will be available on later completions
585 return 0
586 fi
588 # maximum number of additional arguments expected in various forms
589 case $cmd in
590 merge)
591 nExpectArgs=3
592 ;;
593 mergeinfo)
594 nExpectArgs=1
595 ;;
596 copy|cp|move|mv|rename|ren|export|import)
597 nExpectArgs=2
598 ;;
599 switch|sw)
600 [[ ! $hasRelocateOpt ]] && nExpectArgs=2
601 ;;
602 help|h)
603 nExpectArgs=0
604 ;;
605 --version)
606 nExpectArgs=0
607 ;;
608 esac
610 # the maximum number of arguments is reached for a command
611 if [[ $nExpectArgs && $nargs -gt $nExpectArgs ]]
612 then
613 # some way to tell 'no completion at all'... is there a better one?
614 # Do not say 'file completion' here.
615 echo -en "\a"
616 COMPREPLY=( '' )
617 return 0
618 fi
620 # if not typing an option,
621 # then fallback on filename expansion...
622 if [[ $cur != -* || $stat = 'onlyarg' ]] ; then
624 # do we allow possible expensive completion here?
625 if [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT == *svnstatus* ]] ; then
627 # build status command and options
628 # "--quiet" removes 'unknown' files
629 local status='svn status --non-interactive'
631 [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT == *recurse* ]] || \
632 status="$status --non-recursive"
634 # I'm not sure that it can work with externals in call cases
635 # the output contains translatable sentences (even with quiet)
636 [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT == *externals* ]] || \
637 status="$status --ignore-externals"
639 local cs= files=
640 # subtlety: must not set $cur* if $cur is empty in some cases
641 [[ $cur ]] && cs=$cur*
643 # 'files' is set according to the current subcommand
644 case $cmd in
645 st*) # status completion must include all files
646 files=$cur*
647 ;;
648 ci|commit|revert|di*) # anything edited
649 files=$($status $cs| _svn_grcut '@([MADR!]*| M*|_M*)')
650 ;;
651 add) # unknown files
652 files=$($status $cs| _svn_grcut '\?*')
653 ;;
654 unlock) # unlock locked files
655 files=$($status $cs| _svn_grcut '@(??L*|?????[KOTB]*)')
656 ;;
657 resolve*) # files in conflict
658 files=$($status $cs| _svn_grcut '@(?C*|C*)')
659 ;;
660 praise|blame|ann*) # any svn file but added
661 files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* )
662 ;;
663 p*) # prop commands
664 if [[ $cmd == @($propCmds) && \
665 $prop == @(svn:ignore|svn:externals) ]] ; then
666 # directory specific props
667 files=$( _svn_lls dir . $cur* )
668 else
669 # ??? added directories appear twice: foo foo/
670 files="$( _svn_lls all $cur* )
671 $($status $cs | _svn_grcut 'A*' )"
672 fi
673 ;;
674 info) # information on any file
675 files="$( _svn_lls all $cur* )
676 $($status $cs | _svn_grcut 'A*' )"
677 ;;
678 remove|rm|del*|move|mv|rename) # changing existing files
679 files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* )
680 ;;
681 mkdir) # completion in mkdir can only be for subdirs?
682 files=$( _svn_lls dir $cur* )
683 ;;
684 log|lock|up*|cl*|switch) # misc, all but added files
685 files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* )
686 ;;
687 merge) # may do a better job? URL/WCPATH
688 files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* )
689 ;;
690 ls|list) # better job? what about URLs?
691 files=$( _svn_lls all $cur* )
692 ;;
693 *) # other commands: changelist export import cat mergeinfo
694 local fallback=1
695 ;;
696 esac
698 # when not recursive, some relevant files may exist
699 # within subdirectories, so they are added here.
700 # should it be restricted to svn-managed subdirs? no??
701 if [[ $SVN_BASH_COMPL_EXT != *recurse* ]] ; then
702 files="$files $( _svn_lls dir $cur* )"
703 fi
705 # set completion depending on computed 'files'
706 if [[ $files ]] ; then
707 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$files" -- $cur ) )
708 # if empty, set to nope?
709 [[ "${COMPREPLY[*]}" ]] || COMPREPLY=( '' )
710 elif [[ ! $fallback ]] ; then
711 # this suggests no completion...
712 echo -en "\a"
713 COMPREPLY=( '' )
714 fi
715 fi
716 # else fallback to ordinary filename completion...
717 return 0
718 fi
720 # otherwise build possible options for the command
721 pOpts="--username --password --no-auth-cache --non-interactive"
722 mOpts="-m --message -F --file --encoding --force-log --with-revprop"
723 rOpts="-r --revision"
724 qOpts="-q --quiet"
725 nOpts="-N --non-recursive --depth"
726 gOpts="-g --use-merge-history"
728 cmdOpts=
729 case $cmd in
730 --version)
731 cmdOpts="$qOpts"
732 ;;
733 add)
734 cmdOpts="--auto-props --no-auto-props --force --targets \
735 --no-ignore --parents $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts"
736 ;;
737 blame|annotate|ann|praise)
738 cmdOpts="$rOpts $pOpts -v --verbose --incremental --xml \
739 -x --extensions --force $gOpts"
740 ;;
741 cat)
742 cmdOpts="$rOpts $pOpts"
743 ;;
744 changelist|cl)
745 cmdOpts="--targets $pOpts $qOpts --changelist \
746 -R --recursive --depth --remove"
747 ;;
748 checkout|co)
749 cmdOpts="$rOpts $qOpts $nOpts $pOpts --ignore-externals \
750 --force --accept"
751 ;;
752 cleanup)
753 cmdOpts="--diff3-cmd $pOpts"
754 ;;
755 commit|ci)
756 cmdOpts="$mOpts $qOpts $nOpts --targets --editor-cmd $pOpts \
757 --no-unlock --changelist --keep-changelists"
758 ;;
759 copy|cp)
760 cmdOpts="$mOpts $rOpts $qOpts --editor-cmd $pOpts --parents"
761 ;;
762 delete|del|remove|rm)
763 cmdOpts="--force $mOpts $qOpts --targets --editor-cmd $pOpts \
764 --keep-local"
765 ;;
766 diff|di)
767 cmdOpts="$rOpts -x --extensions --diff-cmd --no-diff-deleted \
768 $nOpts $pOpts --force --old --new --notice-ancestry \
769 -c --change --summarize --changelist --xml"
770 ;;
771 export)
772 cmdOpts="$rOpts $qOpts $pOpts $nOpts --force --native-eol \
773 --ignore-externals"
774 ;;
775 help|h|\?)
776 cmdOpts=
777 ;;
778 import)
779 cmdOpts="--auto-props --no-auto-props $mOpts $qOpts $nOpts \
780 --no-ignore --editor-cmd $pOpts --force"
781 ;;
782 info)
783 cmdOpts="$pOpts $rOpts --targets -R --recursive --depth \
784 --incremental --xml --changelist"
785 ;;
786 list|ls)
787 cmdOpts="$rOpts -v --verbose -R --recursive $pOpts \
788 --incremental --xml --depth"
789 ;;
790 lock)
791 cmdOpts="-m --message -F --file --encoding --force-log \
792 --targets --force $pOpts"
793 ;;
794 log)
795 cmdOpts="$rOpts -v --verbose --targets $pOpts --stop-on-copy \
796 --incremental --xml $qOpts -l --limit -c --change \
797 $gOpts --with-all-revprops --with-revprop"
798 ;;
799 merge)
800 cmdOpts="$rOpts $nOpts $qOpts --force --dry-run --diff3-cmd \
801 $pOpts --ignore-ancestry -c --change -x --extensions \
802 --record-only --accept --reintegrate"
803 ;;
804 mergeinfo)
805 cmdOpts="$rOpts $pOpts --show-revs"
806 ;;
807 mkdir)
808 cmdOpts="$mOpts $qOpts --editor-cmd $pOpts --parents"
809 ;;
810 move|mv|rename|ren)
811 cmdOpts="$mOpts $rOpts $qOpts --force --editor-cmd $pOpts \
812 --parents"
813 ;;
814 propdel|pdel|pd)
815 cmdOpts="$qOpts -R --recursive $rOpts $pOpts --changelist \
816 --depth"
817 [[ $isRevProp || ! $prop ]] && cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --revprop"
818 ;;
819 propedit|pedit|pe)
820 cmdOpts="--editor-cmd $pOpts $mOpts --force"
821 [[ $isRevProp || ! $prop ]] && \
822 cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --revprop $rOpts"
823 ;;
824 propget|pget|pg)
825 cmdOpts="-v --verbose -R --recursive $rOpts --strict $pOpts --changelist \
826 --depth --xml"
827 [[ $isRevProp || ! $prop ]] && cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --revprop"
828 ;;
829 proplist|plist|pl)
830 cmdOpts="-v --verbose -R --recursive $rOpts --revprop $qOpts \
831 $pOpts --changelist --depth --xml"
832 ;;
833 propset|pset|ps)
834 cmdOpts="$qOpts --targets -R --recursive \
835 --encoding $pOpts --force --changelist --depth"
836 [[ $isRevProp || ! $prop ]] && \
837 cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --revprop $rOpts"
838 [[ $val ]] || cmdOpts="$cmdOpts -F --file"
839 ;;
840 resolve)
841 cmdOpts="--targets -R --recursive $qOpts $pOpts --accept \
842 --depth"
843 ;;
844 resolved)
845 cmdOpts="--targets -R --recursive $qOpts $pOpts --depth"
846 ;;
847 revert)
848 cmdOpts="--targets -R --recursive $qOpts --changelist \
849 --depth $pOpts"
850 ;;
851 status|stat|st)
852 cmdOpts="-u --show-updates -v --verbose $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts \
853 --no-ignore --ignore-externals --incremental --xml \
854 --changelist"
855 ;;
856 switch|sw)
857 cmdOpts="--relocate $rOpts $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts --diff3-cmd \
858 --force --accept --ignore-externals --set-depth"
859 ;;
860 unlock)
861 cmdOpts="--targets --force $pOpts"
862 ;;
863 update|up)
864 cmdOpts="$rOpts $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts --diff3-cmd \
865 --ignore-externals --force --accept --changelist \
866 --editor-cmd --set-depth"
867 ;;
868 *)
869 ;;
870 esac
872 # add options that are nearly always available
873 [[ "$cmd" != "--version" ]] && cmdOpts="$cmdOpts $helpOpts"
874 cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --config-dir --config-option"
876 # --accept (edit|launch) incompatible with --non-interactive
877 if [[ $acceptOpt == @(edit|launch) ]] ;
878 then
879 cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --non-interactive / }
880 fi
882 # take out options already given
883 for opt in $options
884 do
885 local optBase
887 # remove leading dashes and arguments
888 case $opt in
889 --*) optBase=${opt/=*/} ;;
890 -*) optBase=${opt:0:2} ;;
891 esac
893 cmdOpts=" $cmdOpts "
894 cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ ${optBase} / }
896 # take out alternatives and mutually exclusives
897 case $optBase in
898 -v) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --verbose / } ;;
899 --verbose) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -v / } ;;
900 -N) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --non-recursive / } ;;
901 --non-recursive) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -N / } ;;
902 -R) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --recursive / } ;;
903 --recursive) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -R / } ;;
904 -x) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --extensions / } ;;
905 --extensions) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -x / } ;;
906 -q) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --quiet / } ;;
907 --quiet) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -q / } ;;
908 -h) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } ;;
909 --help) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } ;;
910 -l) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --limit / } ;;
911 --limit) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -l / } ;;
912 -r) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --revision / } ;;
913 --revision) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -r / } ;;
914 -c) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --change / } ;;
915 --change) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -c / } ;;
916 --auto-props) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --no-auto-props / } ;;
917 --no-auto-props) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --auto-props / } ;;
918 -g) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --use-merge-history / } ;;
919 --use-merge-history)
920 cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -g / } ;;
921 -m|--message|-F|--file)
922 cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --message / }
923 cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -m / }
924 cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --file / }
925 cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -F / }
926 ;;
927 esac
929 # remove help options within help subcommand
930 if [ $isHelpCmd ] ; then
931 cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / }
932 cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / }
933 fi
934 done
936 # provide help about available options
937 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) )
938 return 0
940complete -F _svn -o default -X '@(*/.svn|*/.svn/|.svn|.svn/)' dasscm
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