1 | #!/usr/bin/python26
2 | ###
3 | ### backmon.commands.updates
4 | ###
5 |
6 | import sys
7 | import os
8 | import os.path
9 | import glob
10 | import re
11 | import time
12 | import datetime
13 | import dateutil
14 |
15 | from optparse import OptionParser
16 |
17 | from ..lib import *
18 |
19 | from backup_monitoring.datetime import *
20 | from backup_monitoring.math import *
21 |
22 | usage = 'usage: %prog updates [options] [feeds]'
23 |
24 | parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
25 |
26 | parser.add_option('-c', '--clear-locks', action='store_true', dest='clear_locks', default=False, help='clear locks')
27 | parser.add_option('-e', '--expired-only', action='store_true', dest='expired_only', default=False, help='include only expired feeds')
28 | parser.add_option('-s', '--stale-only', action='store_true', dest='stale_only', default=False, help='include only stale feeds')
29 | parser.add_option('-l', '--locked-only', action='store_true', dest='locked_only', default=False, help='include only locked feeds')
30 |
31 | def run(args, kwargs):
32 |
33 | #
34 | # add kwargs to local namespace
35 | #
36 | for key in kwargs.keys():
37 |
38 | if re.compile('^[A-Z][A-Z_]+$').match(key):
39 | exec(key + ' = kwargs[\'' + key + '\']')
40 |
41 | (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
42 |
43 | clear_locks = options.clear_locks
44 | expired_only = options.expired_only
45 | stale_only = options.stale_only
46 | locked_only = options.locked_only
47 |
48 | feeds = args
49 |
50 | now = int(time.time())
51 |
52 | print('')
53 |
54 | for path in glob.glob('%s/*' % (UPDATES)):
55 |
56 | share = os.path.basename(path)
57 |
58 | if( (not HOSTGROUP and not SERVER) or (HOSTGROUP == share and not SERVER) ):
59 | print('+ %s' % (share))
60 | print('')
61 |
62 | for path in glob.glob('%s/%s/*' % (UPDATES, share)):
63 |
64 | i = 0
65 |
66 | if not os.path.isdir(path):
67 | continue
68 |
69 | if os.path.islink(path):
70 | continue
71 |
72 | server = os.path.basename(path)
73 |
74 | if HOSTGROUP and HOSTGROUP != share:
75 | continue
76 |
77 | if SERVER and SERVER != server:
78 | continue
79 |
80 | updates = Updates(LOGGER, path)
81 |
82 | for path in glob.glob('%s/%s/%s/*.inf' % (UPDATES, share, server)):
83 |
84 | locked = False
85 |
86 | out_file = '%s.out' % (os.path.splitext(path)[0])
87 | out_lock = '%s.out.lock' % (os.path.splitext(path)[0])
88 |
89 | txt_file = '%s.txt' % (os.path.splitext(path)[0])
90 | txt_lock = '%s.txt.lock' % (os.path.splitext(path)[0])
91 |
92 | if os.path.exists(out_lock):
93 | out_lock_exists = True
94 | else:
95 | out_lock_exists = False
96 |
97 | if os.path.exists(out_file):
98 | out_file_exists = True
99 | else:
100 | out_file_exists = False
101 |
102 | if os.path.exists(txt_lock):
103 | txt_lock_exists = True
104 | else:
105 | txt_lock_exists = False
106 |
107 | if out_lock_exists or txt_lock_exists:
108 | locked = True
109 |
110 | if out_lock_exists and out_file_exists:
111 | token = '*'
112 | elif out_lock_exists and not out_file_exists:
113 | token = '>'
114 | elif txt_lock_exists:
115 | token = '<'
116 | else:
117 | token = ' '
118 |
119 | feed = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
120 | inf = updates.info(feed, nolock=True)
121 |
122 | expired = False
123 | expired_token = ' '
124 | stale = False
125 | overdue = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)
126 |
127 | if inf is not None:
128 |
129 | if 'INTERVAL' in inf:
130 | interval = inf['INTERVAL']
131 | else:
132 | interval = '???'
133 |
134 | if 'EXIT_STATUS' in inf:
135 | exit_status = inf['EXIT_STATUS']
136 | else:
137 | exit_status = ' ?'
138 |
139 | timestamp = inf['TIMESTAMP_ISO']
140 | expiration = inf['EXPIRATION_ISO']
141 | duration = inf['DURATION_ISO']
142 |
143 | utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
144 | expdatetime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(inf['EXPIRATION']))
145 |
146 | if interval == '1m':
147 | stalepadding = 60
148 | elif interval == '5m':
149 | stalepadding = 300
150 | elif interval == '10m':
151 | stalepadding = 600
152 | elif interval == '15m':
153 | stalepadding = 900
154 | else:
155 | stalepadding = 900
156 |
157 | staledatetime = expdatetime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(inf['DURATION']) * 1.5 + stalepadding)
158 |
159 | #print 'utcnow = %s' % (utcnow)
160 | #print 'expdatetime = %s' % (expdatetime)
161 |
162 | if expdatetime < utcnow:
163 |
164 | expired = True
165 | expired_token = 'X'
166 | overdue = utcnow - expdatetime
167 |
168 | if staledatetime < utcnow:
169 |
170 | stale = True
171 | expired_token = 'S'
172 |
173 | if inf['SIZE'] is not None:
174 |
175 | size = pp_bytes(inf['SIZE'])
176 |
177 | else:
178 |
179 | size = '????.?? ??'
180 | suffix = ' B'
181 |
182 | if inf['MTIME'] is not None:
183 |
184 | mtime = int(inf['MTIME'])
185 | age = dd_hh_mm_ss(now - mtime)
186 |
187 | else:
188 |
189 | age = '?? ??:??:??'
190 |
191 | else:
192 |
193 | interval = '???'
194 | exit_status = ' ?'
195 | timestamp = '????-??-?? ??:??:??'
196 | expiration = '????-??-?? ??:??:??'
197 | duration = '??:??:??'
198 | size = '????.?? ??'
199 | age = '?? ??:??:??'
200 |
201 | #
202 | # increment counter if we have seen at least one desired feed
203 | #
204 | if len(feeds) == 0 or feed in feeds:
205 |
206 | if (not expired_only) or (expired_only and expired):
207 |
208 | if (not stale_only) or (stale_only and stale):
209 |
210 | if (not locked_only) or (locked_only and locked):
211 |
212 | i += 1
213 |
214 | #
215 | # print header if the first feed has not been printed
216 | #
217 | if i == 1:
219 | print(' === ====== =================== =================== =========== ======== ==========')
220 | i += 1
221 |
222 | #
223 | # print the feed if it is desired
224 | #
225 | if len(feeds) == 0 or feed in feeds:
226 |
227 | if (not expired_only) or (expired_only and expired):
228 |
229 | if (not stale_only) or (stale_only and stale):
230 |
231 | if (not locked_only) or (locked_only and locked):
232 |
233 | if out_lock_exists and clear_locks:
234 | os.rmdir(out_lock)
235 |
236 | if txt_lock_exists and clear_locks:
237 | os.rmdir(txt_lock)
238 |
239 | print(' %s [%s] %-40s %3s %6s %s %s %s %s %s' % (expired_token, token, feed, interval, exit_status, timestamp, expiration, age, duration, size))
240 |
241 | if i > 0:
242 | print('')
243 |
244 | return 0
245 |