1 |
2 | Python Database API Specification v2.0
3 |
4 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 | http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0249.html
6 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 |
8 | Introduction
9 |
10 | This API has been defined to encourage similarity between the
11 | Python modules that are used to access databases. By doing this,
12 | we hope to achieve a consistency leading to more easily understood
13 | modules, code that is generally more portable across databases,
14 | and a broader reach of database connectivity from Python.
15 |
16 | The interface specification consists of several sections:
17 |
18 | * Module Interface
19 | * Connection Objects
20 | * Cursor Objects
21 | * DBI Helper Objects
22 | * Type Objects and Constructors
23 | * Implementation Hints
24 | * Major Changes from 1.0 to 2.0
25 |
26 | Comments and questions about this specification may be directed
27 | to the SIG for Database Interfacing with Python
28 | (db-sig@python.org).
29 |
30 | For more information on database interfacing with Python and
31 | available packages see the Database Topic
32 | Guide at http://www.python.org/topics/database/.
33 |
34 | This document describes the Python Database API Specification 2.0
35 | and a set of common optional extensions. The previous version 1.0
36 | version is still available as reference, in PEP 248. Package
37 | writers are encouraged to use this version of the specification as
38 | basis for new interfaces.
39 |
40 |
41 | Module Interface
42 |
43 | Access to the database is made available through connection
44 | objects. The module must provide the following constructor for
45 | these:
46 |
47 | connect(parameters...)
48 |
49 | Constructor for creating a connection to the database.
50 | Returns a Connection Object. It takes a number of
51 | parameters which are database dependent. [1]
52 |
53 | These module globals must be defined:
54 |
55 | apilevel
56 |
57 | String constant stating the supported DB API level.
58 | Currently only the strings '1.0' and '2.0' are allowed.
59 |
60 | If not given, a DB-API 1.0 level interface should be
61 | assumed.
62 |
63 | threadsafety
64 |
65 | Integer constant stating the level of thread safety the
66 | interface supports. Possible values are:
67 |
68 | 0 Threads may not share the module.
69 | 1 Threads may share the module, but not connections.
70 | 2 Threads may share the module and connections.
71 | 3 Threads may share the module, connections and
72 | cursors.
73 |
74 | Sharing in the above context means that two threads may
75 | use a resource without wrapping it using a mutex semaphore
76 | to implement resource locking. Note that you cannot always
77 | make external resources thread safe by managing access
78 | using a mutex: the resource may rely on global variables
79 | or other external sources that are beyond your control.
80 |
81 | paramstyle
82 |
83 | String constant stating the type of parameter marker
84 | formatting expected by the interface. Possible values are
85 | [2]:
86 |
87 | 'qmark' Question mark style,
88 | e.g. '...WHERE name=?'
89 | 'numeric' Numeric, positional style,
90 | e.g. '...WHERE name=:1'
91 | 'named' Named style,
92 | e.g. '...WHERE name=:name'
93 | 'format' ANSI C printf format codes,
94 | e.g. '...WHERE name=%s'
95 | 'pyformat' Python extended format codes,
96 | e.g. '...WHERE name=%(name)s'
97 |
98 | The module should make all error information available through
99 | these exceptions or subclasses thereof:
100 |
101 | Warning
102 |
103 | Exception raised for important warnings like data
104 | truncations while inserting, etc. It must be a subclass of
105 | the Python StandardError (defined in the module
106 | exceptions).
107 |
108 | Error
109 |
110 | Exception that is the base class of all other error
111 | exceptions. You can use this to catch all errors with one
112 | single 'except' statement. Warnings are not considered
113 | errors and thus should not use this class as base. It must
114 | be a subclass of the Python StandardError (defined in the
115 | module exceptions).
116 |
117 | InterfaceError
118 |
119 | Exception raised for errors that are related to the
120 | database interface rather than the database itself. It
121 | must be a subclass of Error.
122 |
123 | DatabaseError
124 |
125 | Exception raised for errors that are related to the
126 | database. It must be a subclass of Error.
127 |
128 | DataError
129 |
130 | Exception raised for errors that are due to problems with
131 | the processed data like division by zero, numeric value
132 | out of range, etc. It must be a subclass of DatabaseError.
133 |
134 | OperationalError
135 |
136 | Exception raised for errors that are related to the
137 | database's operation and not necessarily under the control
138 | of the programmer, e.g. an unexpected disconnect occurs,
139 | the data source name is not found, a transaction could not
140 | be processed, a memory allocation error occurred during
141 | processing, etc. It must be a subclass of DatabaseError.
142 |
143 | IntegrityError
144 |
145 | Exception raised when the relational integrity of the
146 | database is affected, e.g. a foreign key check fails. It
147 | must be a subclass of DatabaseError.
148 |
149 | InternalError
150 |
151 | Exception raised when the database encounters an internal
152 | error, e.g. the cursor is not valid anymore, the
153 | transaction is out of sync, etc. It must be a subclass of
154 | DatabaseError.
155 |
156 | ProgrammingError
157 |
158 | Exception raised for programming errors, e.g. table not
159 | found or already exists, syntax error in the SQL
160 | statement, wrong number of parameters specified, etc. It
161 | must be a subclass of DatabaseError.
162 |
163 | NotSupportedError
164 |
165 | Exception raised in case a method or database API was used
166 | which is not supported by the database, e.g. requesting a
167 | .rollback() on a connection that does not support
168 | transaction or has transactions turned off. It must be a
169 | subclass of DatabaseError.
170 |
171 | This is the exception inheritance layout:
172 |
173 | StandardError
174 | |__Warning
175 | |__Error
176 | |__InterfaceError
177 | |__DatabaseError
178 | |__DataError
179 | |__OperationalError
180 | |__IntegrityError
181 | |__InternalError
182 | |__ProgrammingError
183 | |__NotSupportedError
184 |
185 | Note: The values of these exceptions are not defined. They should
186 | give the user a fairly good idea of what went wrong, though.
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 | Connection Objects
191 |
192 | Connection Objects should respond to the following methods:
193 |
194 | .close()
195 |
196 | Close the connection now (rather than whenever __del__ is
197 | called). The connection will be unusable from this point
198 | forward; an Error (or subclass) exception will be raised
199 | if any operation is attempted with the connection. The
200 | same applies to all cursor objects trying to use the
201 | connection. Note that closing a connection without
202 | committing the changes first will cause an implicit
203 | rollback to be performed.
204 |
205 |
206 | .commit()
207 |
208 | Commit any pending transaction to the database. Note that
209 | if the database supports an auto-commit feature, this must
210 | be initially off. An interface method may be provided to
211 | turn it back on.
212 |
213 | Database modules that do not support transactions should
214 | implement this method with void functionality.
215 |
216 | .rollback()
217 |
218 | This method is optional since not all databases provide
219 | transaction support. [3]
220 |
221 | In case a database does provide transactions this method
222 | causes the the database to roll back to the start of any
223 | pending transaction. Closing a connection without
224 | committing the changes first will cause an implicit
225 | rollback to be performed.
226 |
227 | .cursor()
228 |
229 | Return a new Cursor Object using the connection. If the
230 | database does not provide a direct cursor concept, the
231 | module will have to emulate cursors using other means to
232 | the extent needed by this specification. [4]
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 | Cursor Objects
237 |
238 | These objects represent a database cursor, which is used to
239 | manage the context of a fetch operation. Cursors created from
240 | the same connection are not isolated, i.e., any changes
241 | done to the database by a cursor are immediately visible by the
242 | other cursors. Cursors created from different connections can
243 | or can not be isolated, depending on how the transaction support
244 | is implemented (see also the connection's rollback() and commit()
245 | methods.)
246 |
247 | Cursor Objects should respond to the following methods and
248 | attributes:
249 |
250 | .description
251 |
252 | This read-only attribute is a sequence of 7-item
253 | sequences. Each of these sequences contains information
254 | describing one result column: (name, type_code,
255 | display_size, internal_size, precision, scale,
256 | null_ok). The first two items (name and type_code) are
257 | mandatory, the other five are optional and must be set to
258 | None if meaningfull values are not provided.
259 |
260 | This attribute will be None for operations that
261 | do not return rows or if the cursor has not had an
262 | operation invoked via the executeXXX() method yet.
263 |
264 | The type_code can be interpreted by comparing it to the
265 | Type Objects specified in the section below.
266 |
267 | .rowcount
268 |
269 | This read-only attribute specifies the number of rows that
270 | the last executeXXX() produced (for DQL statements like
271 | 'select') or affected (for DML statements like 'update' or
272 | 'insert').
273 |
274 | The attribute is -1 in case no executeXXX() has been
275 | performed on the cursor or the rowcount of the last
276 | operation is not determinable by the interface. [7]
277 |
278 | Note: Future versions of the DB API specification could
279 | redefine the latter case to have the object return None
280 | instead of -1.
281 |
282 | .callproc(procname[,parameters])
283 |
284 | (This method is optional since not all databases provide
285 | stored procedures. [3])
286 |
287 | Call a stored database procedure with the given name. The
288 | sequence of parameters must contain one entry for each
289 | argument that the procedure expects. The result of the
290 | call is returned as modified copy of the input
291 | sequence. Input parameters are left untouched, output and
292 | input/output parameters replaced with possibly new values.
293 |
294 | The procedure may also provide a result set as
295 | output. This must then be made available through the
296 | standard fetchXXX() methods.
297 |
298 | .close()
299 |
300 | Close the cursor now (rather than whenever __del__ is
301 | called). The cursor will be unusable from this point
302 | forward; an Error (or subclass) exception will be raised
303 | if any operation is attempted with the cursor.
304 |
305 | .execute(operation[,parameters])
306 |
307 | Prepare and execute a database operation (query or
308 | command). Parameters may be provided as sequence or
309 | mapping and will be bound to variables in the operation.
310 | Variables are specified in a database-specific notation
311 | (see the module's paramstyle attribute for details). [5]
312 |
313 | A reference to the operation will be retained by the
314 | cursor. If the same operation object is passed in again,
315 | then the cursor can optimize its behavior. This is most
316 | effective for algorithms where the same operation is used,
317 | but different parameters are bound to it (many times).
318 |
319 | For maximum efficiency when reusing an operation, it is
320 | best to use the setinputsizes() method to specify the
321 | parameter types and sizes ahead of time. It is legal for
322 | a parameter to not match the predefined information; the
323 | implementation should compensate, possibly with a loss of
324 | efficiency.
325 |
326 | The parameters may also be specified as list of tuples to
327 | e.g. insert multiple rows in a single operation, but this
328 | kind of usage is depreciated: executemany() should be used
329 | instead.
330 |
331 | Return values are not defined.
332 |
333 | .executemany(operation,seq_of_parameters)
334 |
335 | Prepare a database operation (query or command) and then
336 | execute it against all parameter sequences or mappings
337 | found in the sequence seq_of_parameters.
338 |
339 | Modules are free to implement this method using multiple
340 | calls to the execute() method or by using array operations
341 | to have the database process the sequence as a whole in
342 | one call.
343 |
344 | Use of this method for an operation which produces one or
345 | more result sets constitutes undefined behavior, and the
346 | implementation is permitted (but not required) to raise
347 | an exception when it detects that a result set has been
348 | created by an invocation of the operation.
349 |
350 | The same comments as for execute() also apply accordingly
351 | to this method.
352 |
353 | Return values are not defined.
354 |
355 | .fetchone()
356 |
357 | Fetch the next row of a query result set, returning a
358 | single sequence, or None when no more data is
359 | available. [6]
360 |
361 | An Error (or subclass) exception is raised if the previous
362 | call to executeXXX() did not produce any result set or no
363 | call was issued yet.
364 |
365 | fetchmany([size=cursor.arraysize])
366 |
367 | Fetch the next set of rows of a query result, returning a
368 | sequence of sequences (e.g. a list of tuples). An empty
369 | sequence is returned when no more rows are available.
370 |
371 | The number of rows to fetch per call is specified by the
372 | parameter. If it is not given, the cursor's arraysize
373 | determines the number of rows to be fetched. The method
374 | should try to fetch as many rows as indicated by the size
375 | parameter. If this is not possible due to the specified
376 | number of rows not being available, fewer rows may be
377 | returned.
378 |
379 | An Error (or subclass) exception is raised if the previous
380 | call to executeXXX() did not produce any result set or no
381 | call was issued yet.
382 |
383 | Note there are performance considerations involved with
384 | the size parameter. For optimal performance, it is
385 | usually best to use the arraysize attribute. If the size
386 | parameter is used, then it is best for it to retain the
387 | same value from one fetchmany() call to the next.
388 |
389 | .fetchall()
390 |
391 | Fetch all (remaining) rows of a query result, returning
392 | them as a sequence of sequences (e.g. a list of tuples).
393 | Note that the cursor's arraysize attribute can affect the
394 | performance of this operation.
395 |
396 | An Error (or subclass) exception is raised if the previous
397 | call to executeXXX() did not produce any result set or no
398 | call was issued yet.
399 |
400 | .nextset()
401 |
402 | (This method is optional since not all databases support
403 | multiple result sets. [3])
404 |
405 | This method will make the cursor skip to the next
406 | available set, discarding any remaining rows from the
407 | current set.
408 |
409 | If there are no more sets, the method returns
410 | None. Otherwise, it returns a true value and subsequent
411 | calls to the fetch methods will return rows from the next
412 | result set.
413 |
414 | An Error (or subclass) exception is raised if the previous
415 | call to executeXXX() did not produce any result set or no
416 | call was issued yet.
417 |
418 | .arraysize
419 |
420 | This read/write attribute specifies the number of rows to
421 | fetch at a time with fetchmany(). It defaults to 1 meaning
422 | to fetch a single row at a time.
423 |
424 | Implementations must observe this value with respect to
425 | the fetchmany() method, but are free to interact with the
426 | database a single row at a time. It may also be used in
427 | the implementation of executemany().
428 |
429 | .setinputsizes(sizes)
430 |
431 | This can be used before a call to executeXXX() to
432 | predefine memory areas for the operation's parameters.
433 |
434 | sizes is specified as a sequence -- one item for each
435 | input parameter. The item should be a Type Object that
436 | corresponds to the input that will be used, or it should
437 | be an integer specifying the maximum length of a string
438 | parameter. If the item is None, then no predefined memory
439 | area will be reserved for that column (this is useful to
440 | avoid predefined areas for large inputs).
441 |
442 | This method would be used before the executeXXX() method
443 | is invoked.
444 |
445 | Implementations are free to have this method do nothing
446 | and users are free to not use it.
447 |
448 | .setoutputsize(size[,column])
449 |
450 | Set a column buffer size for fetches of large columns
451 | (e.g. LONGs, BLOBs, etc.). The column is specified as an
452 | index into the result sequence. Not specifying the column
453 | will set the default size for all large columns in the
454 | cursor.
455 |
456 | This method would be used before the executeXXX() method
457 | is invoked.
458 |
459 | Implementations are free to have this method do nothing
460 | and users are free to not use it.
461 |
462 |
463 |
464 | Type Objects and Constructors
465 |
466 | Many databases need to have the input in a particular format for
467 | binding to an operation's input parameters. For example, if an
468 | input is destined for a DATE column, then it must be bound to the
469 | database in a particular string format. Similar problems exist
470 | for "Row ID" columns or large binary items (e.g. blobs or RAW
471 | columns). This presents problems for Python since the parameters
472 | to the executeXXX() method are untyped. When the database module
473 | sees a Python string object, it doesn't know if it should be bound
474 | as a simple CHAR column, as a raw BINARY item, or as a DATE.
475 |
476 | To overcome this problem, a module must provide the constructors
477 | defined below to create objects that can hold special values.
478 | When passed to the cursor methods, the module can then detect the
479 | proper type of the input parameter and bind it accordingly.
480 |
481 | A Cursor Object's description attribute returns information about
482 | each of the result columns of a query. The type_code must compare
483 | equal to one of Type Objects defined below. Type Objects may be
484 | equal to more than one type code (e.g. DATETIME could be equal to
485 | the type codes for date, time and timestamp columns; see the
486 | Implementation Hints below for details).
487 |
488 | The module exports the following constructors and singletons:
489 |
490 | Date(year,month,day)
491 |
492 | This function constructs an object holding a date value.
493 |
494 | Time(hour,minute,second)
495 |
496 | This function constructs an object holding a time value.
497 |
498 | Timestamp(year,month,day,hour,minute,second)
499 |
500 | This function constructs an object holding a time stamp
501 | value.
502 |
503 | DateFromTicks(ticks)
504 |
505 | This function constructs an object holding a date value
506 | from the given ticks value (number of seconds since the
507 | epoch; see the documentation of the standard Python time
508 | module for details).
509 |
510 | TimeFromTicks(ticks)
511 |
512 | This function constructs an object holding a time value
513 | from the given ticks value (number of seconds since the
514 | epoch; see the documentation of the standard Python time
515 | module for details).
516 |
517 | TimestampFromTicks(ticks)
518 |
519 | This function constructs an object holding a time stamp
520 | value from the given ticks value (number of seconds since
521 | the epoch; see the documentation of the standard Python
522 | time module for details).
523 |
524 | Binary(string)
525 |
526 | This function constructs an object capable of holding a
527 | binary (long) string value.
528 |
529 |
530 | STRING
531 |
532 | This type object is used to describe columns in a database
533 | that are string-based (e.g. CHAR).
534 |
535 | BINARY
536 |
537 | This type object is used to describe (long) binary columns
538 | in a database (e.g. LONG, RAW, BLOBs).
539 |
540 | NUMBER
541 |
542 | This type object is used to describe numeric columns in a
543 | database.
544 |
546 |
547 | This type object is used to describe date/time columns in
548 | a database.
549 |
550 | ROWID
551 |
552 | This type object is used to describe the "Row ID" column
553 | in a database.
554 |
555 | SQL NULL values are represented by the Python None singleton on
556 | input and output.
557 |
558 | Note: Usage of Unix ticks for database interfacing can cause
559 | troubles because of the limited date range they cover.
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 | Implementation Hints for Module Authors
564 |
565 | * The preferred object types for the date/time objects are those
566 | defined in the mxDateTime package. It provides all necessary
567 | constructors and methods both at Python and C level.
568 |
569 | * The preferred object type for Binary objects are the
570 | buffer types available in standard Python starting with
571 | version 1.5.2. Please see the Python documentation for
572 | details. For information about the the C interface have a
573 | look at Include/bufferobject.h and
574 | Objects/bufferobject.c in the Python source
575 | distribution.
576 |
577 | * Starting with Python 2.3, module authors can also use the object
578 | types defined in the standard datetime module for date/time
579 | processing. However, it should be noted that this does not
580 | expose a C API like mxDateTime does which means that integration
581 | with C based database modules is more difficult.
582 |
583 | * Here is a sample implementation of the Unix ticks based
584 | constructors for date/time delegating work to the generic
585 | constructors:
586 |
587 | import time
588 |
589 | def DateFromTicks(ticks):
590 | return apply(Date,time.localtime(ticks)[:3])
591 |
592 | def TimeFromTicks(ticks):
593 | return apply(Time,time.localtime(ticks)[3:6])
594 |
595 | def TimestampFromTicks(ticks):
596 | return apply(Timestamp,time.localtime(ticks)[:6])
597 |
598 | * This Python class allows implementing the above type
599 | objects even though the description type code field yields
600 | multiple values for on type object:
601 |
602 | class DBAPITypeObject:
603 | def __init__(self,*values):
604 | self.values = values
605 | def __cmp__(self,other):
606 | if other in self.values:
607 | return 0
608 | if other < self.values:
609 | return 1
610 | else:
611 | return -1
612 |
613 | The resulting type object compares equal to all values
614 | passed to the constructor.
615 |
616 | * Here is a snippet of Python code that implements the exception
617 | hierarchy defined above:
618 |
619 | import exceptions
620 |
621 | class Error(exceptions.StandardError):
622 | pass
623 |
624 | class Warning(exceptions.StandardError):
625 | pass
626 |
627 | class InterfaceError(Error):
628 | pass
629 |
630 | class DatabaseError(Error):
631 | pass
632 |
633 | class InternalError(DatabaseError):
634 | pass
635 |
636 | class OperationalError(DatabaseError):
637 | pass
638 |
639 | class ProgrammingError(DatabaseError):
640 | pass
641 |
642 | class IntegrityError(DatabaseError):
643 | pass
644 |
645 | class DataError(DatabaseError):
646 | pass
647 |
648 | class NotSupportedError(DatabaseError):
649 | pass
650 |
651 | In C you can use the PyErr_NewException(fullname,
652 | base, NULL) API to create the exception objects.
653 |
654 |
655 |
656 | Optional DB API Extensions
657 |
658 | During the lifetime of DB API 2.0, module authors have often
659 | extended their implementations beyond what is required by this DB
660 | API specification. To enhance compatibility and to provide a clean
661 | upgrade path to possible future versions of the specification,
662 | this section defines a set of common extensions to the core DB API
663 | 2.0 specification.
664 |
665 | As with all DB API optional features, the database module authors
666 | are free to not implement these additional attributes and methods
667 | (using them will then result in an AttributeError) or to raise a
668 | NotSupportedError in case the availability can only be checked at
669 | run-time.
670 |
671 | It has been proposed to make usage of these extensions optionally
672 | visible to the programmer by issuing Python warnings through the
673 | Python warning framework. To make this feature useful, the warning
674 | messages must be standardized in order to be able to mask them. These
675 | standard messages are referred to below as "Warning Message".
676 |
677 | Cursor Attribute .rownumber
678 |
679 | This read-only attribute should provide the current 0-based
680 | index of the cursor in the result set or None if the index cannot
681 | be determined.
682 |
683 | The index can be seen as index of the cursor in a sequence (the
684 | result set). The next fetch operation will fetch the row
685 | indexed by .rownumber in that sequence.
686 |
687 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension cursor.rownumber used"
688 |
689 | Connection Attributes .Error, .ProgrammingError, etc.
690 |
691 | All exception classes defined by the DB API standard should be
692 | exposed on the Connection objects are attributes (in addition
693 | to being available at module scope).
694 |
695 | These attributes simplify error handling in multi-connection
696 | environments.
697 |
698 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension connection.<exception> used"
699 |
700 | Cursor Attributes .connection
701 |
702 | This read-only attribute return a reference to the Connection
703 | object on which the cursor was created.
704 |
705 | The attribute simplifies writing polymorph code in
706 | multi-connection environments.
707 |
708 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension cursor.connection used"
709 |
710 | Cursor Method .scroll(value[,mode='relative'])
711 |
712 | Scroll the cursor in the result set to a new position according
713 | to mode.
714 |
715 | If mode is 'relative' (default), value is taken as offset to
716 | the current position in the result set, if set to 'absolute',
717 | value states an absolute target position.
718 |
719 | An IndexError should be raised in case a scroll operation would
720 | leave the result set. In this case, the cursor position is left
721 | undefined (ideal would be to not move the cursor at all).
722 |
723 | Note: This method should use native scrollable cursors, if
724 | available , or revert to an emulation for forward-only
725 | scrollable cursors. The method may raise NotSupportedErrors to
726 | signal that a specific operation is not supported by the
727 | database (e.g. backward scrolling).
728 |
729 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension cursor.scroll() used"
730 |
731 | Cursor Attribute .messages
732 |
733 | This is a Python list object to which the interface appends
734 | tuples (exception class, exception value) for all messages
735 | which the interfaces receives from the underlying database for
736 | this cursor.
737 |
738 | The list is cleared by all standard cursor methods calls (prior
739 | to executing the call) except for the .fetchXXX() calls
740 | automatically to avoid excessive memory usage and can also be
741 | cleared by executing "del cursor.messages[:]".
742 |
743 | All error and warning messages generated by the database are
744 | placed into this list, so checking the list allows the user to
745 | verify correct operation of the method calls.
746 |
747 | The aim of this attribute is to eliminate the need for a
748 | Warning exception which often causes problems (some warnings
749 | really only have informational character).
750 |
751 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension cursor.messages used"
752 |
753 | Connection Attribute .messages
754 |
755 | Same as cursor.messages except that the messages in the list
756 | are connection oriented.
757 |
758 | The list is cleared automatically by all standard connection
759 | methods calls (prior to executing the call) to avoid excessive
760 | memory usage and can also be cleared by executing "del
761 | connection.messages[:]".
762 |
763 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension connection.messages used"
764 |
765 | Cursor Method .next()
766 |
767 | Return the next row from the currently executing SQL statement
768 | using the same semantics as .fetchone(). A StopIteration
769 | exception is raised when the result set is exhausted for Python
770 | versions 2.2 and later. Previous versions don't have the
771 | StopIteration exception and so the method should raise an
772 | IndexError instead.
773 |
774 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension cursor.next() used"
775 |
776 | Cursor Method .__iter__()
777 |
778 | Return self to make cursors compatible to the iteration protocol.
779 |
780 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension cursor.__iter__() used"
781 |
782 | Cursor Attribute .lastrowid
783 |
784 | This read-only attribute provides the rowid of the last
785 | modified row (most databases return a rowid only when a single
786 | INSERT operation is performed). If the operation does not set
787 | a rowid or if the database does not support rowids, this
788 | attribute should be set to None.
789 |
790 | The semantics of .lastrowid are undefined in case the last
791 | executed statement modified more than one row, e.g. when
792 | using INSERT with .executemany().
793 |
794 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension cursor.lastrowid used"
795 |
796 |
797 |
798 | Optional Error Handling Extension
799 |
800 | The core DB API specification only introduces a set of exceptions
801 | which can be raised to report errors to the user. In some cases,
802 | exceptions may be too disruptive for the flow of a program or even
803 | render execution impossible.
804 |
805 | For these cases and in order to simplify error handling when
806 | dealing with databases, database module authors may choose to
807 | implement user defineable error handlers. This section describes a
808 | standard way of defining these error handlers.
809 |
810 | Cursor/Connection Attribute .errorhandler
811 |
812 | Read/write attribute which references an error handler to call
813 | in case an error condition is met.
814 |
815 | The handler must be a Python callable taking the following
816 | arguments: errorhandler(connection, cursor, errorclass,
817 | errorvalue) where connection is a reference to the connection
818 | on which the cursor operates, cursor a reference to the cursor
819 | (or None in case the error does not apply to a cursor),
820 | errorclass is an error class which to instantiate using
821 | errorvalue as construction argument.
822 |
823 | The standard error handler should add the error information to
824 | the appropriate .messages attribute (connection.messages or
825 | cursor.messages) and raise the exception defined by the given
826 | errorclass and errorvalue parameters.
827 |
828 | If no errorhandler is set (the attribute is None), the standard
829 | error handling scheme as outlined above, should be applied.
830 |
831 | Warning Message: "DB-API extension .errorhandler used"
832 |
833 | Cursors should inherit the .errorhandler setting from their
834 | connection objects at cursor creation time.
835 |
836 |
837 |
838 | Frequently Asked Questions
839 |
840 | The database SIG often sees reoccurring questions about the DB API
841 | specification. This section covers some of the issues people
842 | sometimes have with the specification.
843 |
844 | Question:
845 |
846 | How can I construct a dictionary out of the tuples returned by
847 | .fetchxxx():
848 |
849 | Answer:
850 |
851 | There are several existing tools available which provide
852 | helpers for this task. Most of them use the approach of using
853 | the column names defined in the cursor attribute .description
854 | as basis for the keys in the row dictionary.
855 |
856 | Note that the reason for not extending the DB API specification
857 | to also support dictionary return values for the .fetchxxx()
858 | methods is that this approach has several drawbacks:
859 |
860 | * Some databases don't support case-sensitive column names or
861 | auto-convert them to all lowercase or all uppercase
862 | characters.
863 |
864 | * Columns in the result set which are generated by the query
865 | (e.g. using SQL functions) don't map to table column names
866 | and databases usually generate names for these columns in a
867 | very database specific way.
868 |
869 | As a result, accessing the columns through dictionary keys
870 | varies between databases and makes writing portable code
871 | impossible.
872 |
873 |
874 |
875 | Major Changes from Version 1.0 to Version 2.0
876 |
877 | The Python Database API 2.0 introduces a few major changes
878 | compared to the 1.0 version. Because some of these changes will
879 | cause existing DB API 1.0 based scripts to break, the major
880 | version number was adjusted to reflect this change.
881 |
882 | These are the most important changes from 1.0 to 2.0:
883 |
884 | * The need for a separate dbi module was dropped and the
885 | functionality merged into the module interface itself.
886 |
887 | * New constructors and Type Objects were added for date/time
888 | values, the RAW Type Object was renamed to BINARY. The
889 | resulting set should cover all basic data types commonly
890 | found in modern SQL databases.
891 |
892 | * New constants (apilevel, threadlevel, paramstyle) and
893 | methods (executemany, nextset) were added to provide better
894 | database bindings.
895 |
896 | * The semantics of .callproc() needed to call stored
897 | procedures are now clearly defined.
898 |
899 | * The definition of the .execute() return value changed.
900 | Previously, the return value was based on the SQL statement
901 | type (which was hard to implement right) -- it is undefined
902 | now; use the more flexible .rowcount attribute
903 | instead. Modules are free to return the old style return
904 | values, but these are no longer mandated by the
905 | specification and should be considered database interface
906 | dependent.
907 |
908 | * Class based exceptions were incorporated into the
909 | specification. Module implementors are free to extend the
910 | exception layout defined in this specification by
911 | subclassing the defined exception classes.
912 |
913 | Post-publishing additions to the DB API 2.0 specification:
914 |
915 | * Additional optional DB API extensions to the set of
916 | core functionality were specified.
917 |
918 |
919 |
920 | Open Issues
921 |
922 | Although the version 2.0 specification clarifies a lot of
923 | questions that were left open in the 1.0 version, there are still
924 | some remaining issues which should be addressed in future
925 | versions:
926 |
927 | * Define a useful return value for .nextset() for the case where
928 | a new result set is available.
929 |
930 | * Create a fixed point numeric type for use as loss-less
931 | monetary and decimal interchange format.
932 |
933 |
934 |
935 | Footnotes
936 |
937 | [1] As a guideline the connection constructor parameters should be
938 | implemented as keyword parameters for more intuitive use and
939 | follow this order of parameters:
940 |
941 | dsn Data source name as string
942 | user User name as string (optional)
943 | password Password as string (optional)
944 | host Hostname (optional)
945 | database Database name (optional)
946 |
947 | E.g. a connect could look like this:
948 |
949 | connect(dsn='myhost:MYDB',user='guido',password='234$')
950 |
951 | [2] Module implementors should prefer 'numeric', 'named' or
952 | 'pyformat' over the other formats because these offer more
953 | clarity and flexibility.
954 |
955 | [3] If the database does not support the functionality required
956 | by the method, the interface should throw an exception in
957 | case the method is used.
958 |
959 | The preferred approach is to not implement the method and
960 | thus have Python generate an AttributeError in
961 | case the method is requested. This allows the programmer to
962 | check for database capabilities using the standard
963 | hasattr() function.
964 |
965 | For some dynamically configured interfaces it may not be
966 | appropriate to require dynamically making the method
967 | available. These interfaces should then raise a
968 | NotSupportedError to indicate the non-ability
969 | to perform the roll back when the method is invoked.
970 |
971 | [4] a database interface may choose to support named cursors by
972 | allowing a string argument to the method. This feature is
973 | not part of the specification, since it complicates
974 | semantics of the .fetchXXX() methods.
975 |
976 | [5] The module will use the __getitem__ method of the parameters
977 | object to map either positions (integers) or names (strings)
978 | to parameter values. This allows for both sequences and
979 | mappings to be used as input.
980 |
981 | The term "bound" refers to the process of binding an input
982 | value to a database execution buffer. In practical terms,
983 | this means that the input value is directly used as a value
984 | in the operation. The client should not be required to
985 | "escape" the value so that it can be used -- the value
986 | should be equal to the actual database value.
987 |
988 | [6] Note that the interface may implement row fetching using
989 | arrays and other optimizations. It is not
990 | guaranteed that a call to this method will only move the
991 | associated cursor forward by one row.
992 |
993 | [7] The rowcount attribute may be coded in a way that updates
994 | its value dynamically. This can be useful for databases that
995 | return usable rowcount values only after the first call to
996 | a .fetchXXX() method.
997 |
998 |
999 | Acknowledgements
1000 |
1001 | Many thanks go to Andrew Kuchling who converted the Python
1002 | Database API Specification 2.0 from the original HTML format into
1003 | the PEP format.
1004 |
1005 |
1006 | Copyright
1007 |
1008 | This document has been placed in the Public Domain.
1009 |
1010 |
1011 |