#!/usr/bin/perl -w # automatisches buildskript fuer smartclient # liest die konfiguration aus der mit -b übergebenen Datei # $Id: buildall.pl,v 1.7 2002/09/06 08:33:24 pstorz Exp $ # Philipp Storz, SuSE Linux AG # pstorz@suse.de use Getopt::Std; format TABELLE = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $wert1, $wert2, $wert3 . # Programmoptionen: -b (buildlist) my $smartclient_root="../../"; # Pfad, zu dem die Pfade in buildlist stehen my $build = "build.sh"; our ($opt_b); my @ArrayofBuilds; getopts('b:'); if (!$opt_b) {die "usage: buildall.pl -b buildlist\n"; }; (open(BUILDLIST,$opt_b)) || die "Die Buildlist $opt_b konnte nicht gefunden werden"; while () #Buildlist parsen { next if (/^\#.*$/); # if (/([\w\/]+)\s*:([\/\w\-\+\.]+)\s+:((\s*\-\-\w*)*)$/) if (/(\S+)\s*:(\S+)\s*:(\S+)\s*$/) { ($dir, $arch, $opt) = ($1, $2, $3); chomp ($arch); @build=($dir, $arch, $opt); push @ArrayofBuilds, [@build]; } } print "What will be done:\n\n"; ($wert1,$wert2,$wert3)= ("Path","Distribuition","Buildoptions"); $~="TABELLE"; write; print "\n"; for $i (0 .. $#ArrayofBuilds) { ($wert1,$wert2,$wert3)= ($ArrayofBuilds[$i][0],$ArrayofBuilds[$i][1],$ArrayofBuilds[$i][2]); $~="TABELLE"; write; } print "\n\n\n ATTENTION: the srpms from the directory external/SuSE must be built before!\n"; print "to build srpms, goto dir external/SuSE, execute build_srpms.sh script!\n\n\n"; print 'Are the srpms built and all options OK? (y/n)'; $answer =; chomp ($answer); if ($answer ne "y") {die("canceled")}; for $i (0 .. $#ArrayofBuilds) { print("$ArrayofBuilds[$i][0]\t\t$ArrayofBuilds[$i][1]\t\t$ArrayofBuilds[$i][2]\n"); $mypath = $smartclient_root.$ArrayofBuilds[$i][0]; if ($ArrayofBuilds[$i][2]) { $ENV{'BUILD_MODE'}=$ArrayofBuilds[$i][2]; } else { $ENV{'BUILD_MODE'}="--clean"; } $ENV{'BUILD_DIST'}=$ArrayofBuilds[$i][1]; # system "./test.sh"; $_=$ArrayofBuilds[$i][0]; print "$_ \n"; tr/\//\_/; $logfilename = $_.".$ArrayofBuilds[$i][1].log"; print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; print "executing command: cd $mypath; $build 2>&1 > $logfilename\n"; print "BUILD_DIST ist $ENV{'BUILD_DIST'}\n"; print "BUILD_MODE ist $ENV{'BUILD_MODE'}\n"; print "writing logfile to $logfilename \n\n\n"; print "you can watch building with following command: \n"; $workdir=`pwd`; chomp $workdir; print "less +F $workdir/$mypath/$logfilename\n"; system "xterm -T \"build log for PACKET: $mypath ARCH:$ArrayofBuilds[$i][1] \" -e less +F $workdir/$mypath/$logfilename &"; print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; $retval = system "cd $mypath; $build >$logfilename 2>&1;"; # $retval = system "./exit.sh 2>&1 > $logfilename;"; if ($retval == 0) { $ArrayofBuilds[$i][3]= "SUCESS $ArrayofBuilds[$i][0] :"; print"****** ******\n"; print"****** building of $ArrayofBuilds[$i][0] SUCCESSFULL: \n" ; print"****** ******\n"; } else { $ArrayofBuilds[$i][3]="ERROR $ArrayofBuilds[$i][0] UNSUCCESSFULL:\n"; print"****** ******\n"; print"\n\n\nERROR: building of $ArrayofBuilds[$i][0] UNSUCCESSFULL \n"; print"****** ******\n"; } } print "Building results:\n"; ($wert1,$wert2,$wert3)= ("Path","Distribuition","Result"); $~="TABELLE"; write; print "\n"; for $i (0 .. $#ArrayofBuilds) { ($wert1,$wert2,$wert3)= ($ArrayofBuilds[$i][0],$ArrayofBuilds[$i][1],$ArrayofBuilds[$i][3]); $~="TABELLE"; write; # print("$ArrayofBuilds[$i][0]:Result: $ArrayofBuilds[$i][3]"); } print "buildall.pl terminated\n";