1 | package de.dass_it.vanhelsing.gui;
2 |
3 | //import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
4 | import java.lang.reflect.Method;
5 | import java.util.Enumeration;
6 |
7 | import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
8 | import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
9 | import de.dass_it.vanhelsing.gui.items.*;
10 | import de.dass_it.www.vanhelsing.*;
11 | import de.dass_it.www.vanhelsing.VanHelsingCallbackHandler.*;
12 | import de.dass_it.www.vanhelsing.VanHelsingStub.*;
13 |
14 | /**
15 | * Helper class to encapsulate all procedures
16 | * to work with the tree structure.
17 | * @author tgoecke
18 | */
19 | public class TreeNavigation extends BeanUtil {
20 | private DefaultTreeModel tree;
21 | //private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
22 | /**
23 | * @param root root node of the tree to be created
24 | * @param nodes list of names (resource types) used to create header nodes
25 | * @param title argument currently not used.
26 | * @return tree returns a data tree to be used by a view bean
27 | */
28 | public DefaultTreeModel createTree(DefaultMutableTreeNode root,
29 | String[] nodes, String title){
30 |
31 | DefaultMutableTreeNode node;
32 | DefaultMutableTreeNode myNode;
33 | tree = new DefaultTreeModel(root);
34 | UserObjectItemType item = new UserObjectItemType(root);
35 | item.setLeaf(false);
36 | item.setExpanded(true);
37 | UserObjectItem uoi = new TreeItem("Configuration");
38 | uoi.setResType("Tree");
39 | item.setUserObject(uoi);
40 | root.setUserObject(item);
41 |
42 | for(int i = 0; i< nodes.length; i++){
43 | //root.add(addNode(root, "Tree", nodes[i]));
44 | myNode = null;
45 | myNode = addNode(root, nodes[i], nodes[i]);
46 | if (myNode != null){
47 | root.add(myNode);
48 | }
49 | }
50 | return tree;
51 | }
52 | /**
53 | * adds a node to the given parent node, of resource type string and label value title
54 | * @param parent parent node of the created node
55 | * @param type resource type of the created node
56 | * @param title label value of the created type
57 | * @return node the created node
58 | */
59 | public DefaultMutableTreeNode addNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, String type, String title){
60 | DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
61 | Class subClass;
62 | Class myClass;
63 | Method[] methods;
64 | Object o;
65 | UserObjectItemType userObject = new UserObjectItemType(node);
66 | userObject.setLeaf(false);
67 | String type2 = "de.dass_it.vanhelsing.gui.items." + type + "Item";
68 |
69 | try {
70 | subClass = Class.forName(type2);
71 | o = subClass.newInstance();
72 | UserObjectItem item = (UserObjectItem) o;
73 | item.setResType(type);
74 | myClass = item.getClass().asSubclass(subClass);
75 | methods = myClass.getMethods();
76 | for (Method m : methods){
77 | //System.err.println(m.getName());
78 | if(m.getName().contains("setValue")){
79 | m.invoke(item, title);
80 | }
81 | }
82 | //ItemObjekt erzeugen und an das UserObjekt referenzieren
83 | userObject.setUserObject((UserObjectItem)o);
84 | //Eine Referenz auf das UserObjekt wird an das Nodeobjekt übergeben
85 | node.setUserObject(userObject);
86 | return node;
87 | } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1){
88 | System.err.println("Itemclass "+ type2 +" must be in the classpath");
89 | } catch (InstantiationException e2){
90 | System.err.println("Class "+type2+" must be a concrete class, not an interface or an abstract class");
91 | } catch (IllegalAccessException e3){
92 | System.err.println("Class " + type2 + " lacks a no-argument constructor");
93 | } catch (Exception e){
94 | System.err.println("addHeader: " + e.toString());
95 | }
96 |
97 | return null;
98 | }
99 | /**
100 | * adds a node to the given parent node of resourcetype type which contains the values of the ResourceInfo() object
101 | * @param parent parent node of the created node
102 | * @param type resource type of the created node
103 | * @param ri the data object which is used to update the node UserObject
104 | * @return node the created node
105 | */
106 | public DefaultMutableTreeNode addNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, String type, ResourceInfo ri){
107 | DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
108 | Class subClass;
109 | Class myClass;
110 | Method[] riMethods;
111 | Method[] methods;
112 | Object o;
113 | UserObjectItemType userObject = new UserObjectItemType(node);
114 | String type2 = "de.dass_it.vanhelsing.gui.items." + type + "Item";
115 |
116 | try {
117 | subClass = Class.forName(type2);
118 | o = subClass.newInstance();
119 | UserObjectItem item = (UserObjectItem) o;
120 | item.setResType(type);
121 | myClass = item.getClass().asSubclass(subClass);
122 | methods = myClass.getMethods();
123 | ;
124 | /*for (Method m : methods){
125 | if(m.getName().contains("set" + p)){
126 | m.invoke(item, title);
127 | }
128 | }*/
129 | for (Method n : ri.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()){
130 | if (n.getName().startsWith("get")
131 | && !(n.getName().contains("OMElement") || n.getName().contains("PullParser"))){
132 |
133 | //System.err.println("Name: " + n.getName() +" Feld: "+ n.getName().substring(3));
134 | for (Method m : methods){
135 | if (m.getName().equals("set"+n.getName().substring(3))){
136 | m.invoke(item, n.invoke(ri, (Object[])null));
137 | break;
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 |
142 | }
143 |
144 | }
145 | //Value-Wert für die TreeView übertragen
146 | ((ItemType)o).setValue(((ItemType)o).getResName());
147 | //ItemObjekt erzeugen und an das UserObjekt referenzieren
148 | userObject.setUserObject((UserObjectItem)o);
149 | //Eine Referenz auf das UserObjekt wird an das Nodeobjekt übergeben
150 | node.setUserObject(userObject);
151 | return node;
152 | } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1){
153 | System.err.println("Itemclass "+ type2 +" must be in the classpath");
154 | } catch (InstantiationException e2){
155 | System.err.println("Class "+type2+" must be a concrete class, not an interface or an abstract class");
156 | } catch (IllegalAccessException e3){
157 | System.err.println("Class " + type2 + " lacks a no-argument constructor");
158 | } catch (Exception e){
159 | System.err.println("RI: " + e.toString());
160 | }
161 |
162 | return null;
163 | }
164 | /**
165 | * adds a node to the given parent node of resourcetype type which contains the values of the ResourceAttributeType[]
166 | * @param parent parent node of the created node
167 | * @param type resource type of the created node
168 | * @param ra a list of key value pairs returned by the web service access methods
169 | * @return node the updated parent node
170 | */
171 | public DefaultMutableTreeNode addNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, String type, ResourceAttributeType[] ra){
172 |
173 | //DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode();
174 | Class subClass;
175 | Class myClass;
176 | Method[] raMethods;
177 | Method[] methods;
178 | Object o;
179 | //UserObjectItemType userObject = new UserObjectItemType(node);
180 | String type2 = "de.dass_it.vanhelsing.gui.items." + type + "Item";
181 | String key = null, value = null;
182 | try {
183 | subClass = Class.forName(type2);
184 | o = subClass.newInstance();
185 | UserObjectItem item = ((UserObjectItemType)parent.getUserObject()).getUserObject();
186 | //item.setResType(type);
187 | myClass = item.getClass().asSubclass(subClass);
188 | methods = myClass.getMethods();
189 | Method m;
190 | Method n;
191 | Class[] args = new Class[1];
192 | args[0] = String.class;
193 | for(ResourceAttributeType rat : ra){
194 | /*for (Method n : rat.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()){
195 | if (n.getName().equals("getKey")) {
196 | key = (String)(n.invoke(rat, (Object[])null));
197 | }
198 | if (n.getName().equals("getValue")){
199 | value = (String)(n.invoke(rat, (Object[])null));
200 |
201 | }
202 |
203 | }*/
204 | n = (rat.getClass().getMethod("getKey", (Class[])null));
205 | key = (String)n.invoke(rat, (Object[])null);
206 | n = (rat.getClass().getMethod("getValue", (Class[])null));
207 | value = (String)n.invoke(rat, (Object[])null);
208 |
209 | if(!(key.isEmpty() && value.isEmpty())){
210 | key = key.replaceAll(" ", "");
211 | key = key.toLowerCase();
212 | key = key.replaceFirst(new Character(key.charAt(0)).toString(),
213 | new Character(Character.toUpperCase(key.charAt(0))).toString());
214 | m = myClass.getMethod(("set"+key), args);
215 | m.invoke(item, value);
216 | /*if(m.getName().equals("getName") || m.getName().equals("setName")){
217 | ((ItemType)o).setValue(key + ": " + value);
218 | }*/
219 |
220 | }
221 | }
222 | //Value-Wert aus Key: Value zusammenbauen
223 |
224 | //ItemObjekt erzeugen und an das UserObjekt referenzieren
225 | //userObject.setUserObjectItem((UserObjectItem)o);
226 | //Eine Referenz auf das UserObjekt wird an das Nodeobjekt übergeben
227 | //node.setUserObject(userObject);
228 | //System.out.println(((ItemType)((UserObjectItem)(node.getUserObject()))).getResId());
229 | return parent;
230 | } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1){
231 | System.err.println("Itemclass "+ type2 +" must be in the classpath");
232 | } catch (InstantiationException e2){
233 | System.err.println("Class "+type2+" must be a concrete class, not an interface or an abstract class");
234 | } catch (IllegalAccessException e3){
235 | System.err.println("Class " + type2 + " lacks a no-argument constructor");
236 | } catch (Exception e){
237 | System.err.println("Leaf: " + e.toString());
238 | }
239 |
240 | return null;
241 | }
242 | /**
243 | * returns the first node whose UserObject attribute resId matches the given id or null if no node is found
244 | * @param id resId value of the node
245 | * @param tree tree object which contains the node
246 | * @return matching node or null if no mathcing node is found
247 | */
248 | public DefaultMutableTreeNode getNode(String id, DefaultTreeModel tree){
249 | DefaultMutableTreeNode root;
250 | DefaultMutableTreeNode node;
251 | int resId = new Integer(id);
252 | root = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)tree.getRoot();
253 | Enumeration<DefaultMutableTreeNode> e = root.depthFirstEnumeration();
254 |
255 | while (e.hasMoreElements()){
256 | node = e.nextElement();
257 | if (resId ==((ItemType)(((UserObjectItemType)node.getUserObject()).getUserObject())).getResId()) {
258 | return node;
259 | }
260 |
261 |
262 | }
263 | return null;
264 | }
265 | /**
266 | * returns the UserObject of a node whose resId attribute matches id
267 | */
268 | public UserObjectItem getNodeObject(String id, DefaultTreeModel tree){
269 | DefaultMutableTreeNode node = getNode(id, tree);
270 | return (UserObjectItem)((UserObjectItem)(node.getUserObject()));
271 | }
272 | }